Fire prevention and fighting (FPF) is one of the very important tasks to protect human life and health, protect the Company’s assets and contribute to ensuring security and social order.
In recent years, fire protection issues in apartment buildings and office buildings are required closely and become a mandatory requirement for all employees in TOMECO Electrical Mechanical Joint Stock Company.

In order to well implement FPF work in the Company and raise awareness, roles and responsibilities of FPF work for each employee. On July 20, TOMECO Mechanical and Electrical Joint Stock Company cooperated with Public Security to organize training and fostering professional fire prevention and fighting and practice fire fighting plans at the Company’s Headquarters.
At the professional training session, the trainers were provided with information about big fires causing serious damage to people and property occurring throughout the country and in Hanoi in the years. Recently, the principles of fire prevention and rescue work, causes of fire safety inspection at the grassroots and fire prevention measures, steps to handle when fire and explosion occur, escape skills in Fire. At the same time, the employees were able to directly practice basic fire protection techniques and stated questions about fire prevention and fighting safety such as tools, equipment, techniques for emergency escape and safe escape ….

Through fire prevention and fighting training, the fire protection force of the company has improved knowledge, skills and sense of responsibility for FPF work, so that it can take initiative in FPF work when incidents occur at the Company as well as family.