TOMECO Electromechanical Joint Stock Company develops scale, enhances product quality, capacity and participates in the value chain of multinational corporations.
The mechanical sector is considered as the backbone industry, making an important contribution to the development of the economy. However, Vietnamese mechanical enterprises are still limited and face many challenges. However, some Vietnamese mechanical enterprises have made their own mark and gradually reached out to the world market, including TOMECO Electrical Mechanical Joint Stock Company.
Founded in 1993, from a small mechanical workshop, TOMECO is now a leading industrial fan design and manufacturing enterprise in Vietnam, supplying thousands of industrial fans every year for construction projects. construction, factories all over Vietnam.
Since 2012, TOMECO has started to participate in the global supply chain of General Electric Group (GE). After 7 years of official participation in global value chain of GE, enterprises have gradually affirmed the brand and are continuing to penetrate into the supply chain of other multinational companies.
According to Mr. Le Quy Kha – Chairman of the Board of Directors of TOMECO Mechanical and Electrical Joint Stock Company, the first factor to become a supplier for a multinational corporation is that enterprises must improve and upgrade the quality. the amount of his apparatus.
“Enterprises need to meet certain standards of facilities, equipment, workshops, management systems, capabilities, skills of workers … and perfect standards of responsibility. to the state, to the society and to the responsibility of the workers, all of which constitutes a fundamental foundation of a global supplier, “said Kha.
To sell goods to GE, TOMECO takes more than a year to improve the business, from the smallest problems such as the factory environment, industrial hygiene … At the same time, the product must meet the requirements. , ensuring progress and quality.
“No foreign company will accept the purchase of a business that contains many risks of occupational safety, businesses do not fulfill tax obligations or violate environmental standards … These are all are mandatory requirements, “TOMECO representative added.
Accordingly, after verifying the capability through the first trial production shipment, ensuring quality and progress, GE has just begun to develop and expand orders. Every year, GE always reassesses the capacity of suppliers and so far, TOMECO is still firmly in this global supply chain.
Brand affirmation strategy
Before the name of TOMECO Electrical Mechanical Joint Stock Company, the company has changed its name many times from Global Industrial Equipment Center; KVD electromechanical workshop; Global Electromechanical Joint Stock Company.
The thickness of more than 2 decades of development is the foundation for this enterprise to continue to improve, improve and meet the increasing standards of the market. Participation in global supply chain GE in 2012 is also an important step for TOMECO on the journey of developing auxiliary products and bringing Vietnamese mechanical brand to the world.

Talking about the “key” to help TOMECO participate in GE’s supply chain, Mr. Kha said that another factor that makes success is the highly qualified staff, who can understand and solve the problems technology and technology.
In order to improve production capacity as well as market competitiveness, enterprises boldly invest in technological equipment while improving product quality, competitive prices and complying with the delivery schedule.

In addition to GE, TOMECO is supplying products for Greens Combustion Group (UK) … thanks to upgrading in all aspects, especially to invest in upgrading the management system.
JICA’s “Support for Vietnamese Support Business Development” programs or “Supplier Development Pilot” by the World Bank’s IFC are a source of assistance to help the company improve its product management system. export according to advanced models in the world, improve competitiveness, as well as management, quality, production, cost.
According to TOMECO’s representatives, participating in global value chains not only brings economic significance, but also motivates businesses to develop and enhance their influence in the market.
“In the future, we wish many Vietnamese businesses to develop together to become suppliers in the global supply chain for many multinational corporations and other international customers. This will open up. a new period, new opportunities for TOMECO in particular and the Vietnamese business community in general to develop and expand the export of products abroad, “the head of the enterprise stressed.
According to